TypeExplosion protection
3251GOST (EAC) - Explosion protection
TypeEU Declaration of Conformity
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfModule H - manufactured in France
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfModule A
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfModul H
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfPED-Module H
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfMaschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG
3251EU conformity 3251.pdfMachinery Directive 2006/42/EC
32512006_42_eg_3251_einbauerklärung_de_rev00.pdfEinbauerklärung gemäß 2006/42/EG
32512006_42_eg_3251_declaration_of_incorporation_en_reDeclaration of incorporation 2006/42/EC
TypeEU-/EG-Type examination - production type
3251On requestTypprüfbericht über die Baumusterprüfung der Ventile der BA 250 (Typ 3251) nach EN 16678/EN 161/EN 16304 mit Antrieben Typ 3277
TypeClassification of Steel Ships
3251TAP0000014.pdfDNV Type Approval Certificate
3251LR24122384TA.pdfLR Type Approval Certificate, Germany
3251WWA00001V8.pdfDNV Welding Workshop Approval Certificate
3251SMS.W.II./3723/C.0.pdfBV Certificate: Recognition for BV Mode II, Germany
325136134/C0 BV.pdfBV Type Approval Certificate, Germany
3251TA23387M.pdfClassNK Type Approval Certificate
325120-1952297-1-PDA.pdfABS Product Design Assessment Certificate: 3241, 3251, 3254
325123-2460218-PDA.pdfABS Product Design Assessment Certificate:
3241, 3244, 3251, 3252, 3256
3251On requestTR CU 032/2013 (DN above 100 to DN 1600, PN from 1 up to 50 MPa, category 3)
3251On requestDeclaration acc. to TR CU 032/2013 (DN above 25 to DN 1600, PN from 1 up to 50 MPa, category 1 and 2)
3251On requestDeclaration acc. to TR CU 010/2011 (circuit 5d)
3251On requestJustification of Safety
3251TSX71002520191340.pdfTSG Certification - Control Valve
3251ukca_modul_h_en_rev00.pdfUK Declaration of conformity - PESR-Module H based on EU Certificate
32512008_no_1597_uk_3251_3271_3277_en_rev00.pdfUK Declaration of conformity - Directive 2008 No. 1597
Supply of Machinery
32512008_no_1597_uk_3251_declaration_of_incorporation_UK Declaration of incorporation - Directive 2008 No. 1597
Supply of Machinery